UDC 327.35


Mazurkina Anna Yuryevna
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics
master student

This article will focus on the opinion about Russia abroad. In the space of international cooperation there are plenty of stereotypes, myths and images. The perception of any country to ongoing is due to perception of her image. The article contains various researches of stereotypes of Russia.

Keywords: dialog of different cultures, image of the country, international relations, political elite, politics, stereotypes

Article reference:
Mazurkina A.Y. Image of Russia abroad // Politics, State and Law. 2016. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://politika.snauka.ru/en/2016/02/3703

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Nowadays in Russia there are many important economic and sporting events. Without doubt we may say that to study significant political events is socially important topic. Big international events are meaningful for the image of the country and also help to make decisions on some of the world’s global problems and ones domestically in Russia as well.

The key mission of these activities is to be a practical tool for business and the global economy, allowing us to overcome problems that divide Russia and other nations, both geographically and information wise. Such events help in modernizing the country but also they may create social issues. The relevance of the topic is determined by the increasing influence of globalization processes on the ideological world politics and economics. It should be noted that, from a sociological point of view it is quite important to study big events for the reason as the political elite performs functions as a regulator in any social actions.

According to Bruyak (2010) image of the country has a large influence on the process of interaction between countries. In the space of international cooperation there are plenty of stereotypes, myths and images. The perception of any country to ongoing is due to perception of her image. The developments in our country and in space of international policy developments make clear that the fact that in the process of cultural interaction is often a major role play no objective characteristics of reality, and what it before delivered to its members. The image of the country could be discussed either in political and scientific circles. The Russian government has repeatedly expressed concern existing completely negative image impression of Russia. Overcoming negative representations primarily associated with changes in negative stereotypes that dictates the need to study their features, logic and causes the formation of acid.

In April 2011 at the Department of Sociology and Human Sciences University “Dubna” study was conducted, the purpose of which was to examine the stereotypes of Russia in Western periodicals. To achieve the goal were analyzed 289 articles from leading print editions of the World. Such as The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, Le Figaro and others. Articles published in the period from 2007 to 2010 years. Of these, 2525 were selected judgments about Russia that have undergone meaningful grouping step (selection of categories, groups, subgroups) and qualitative description of the identification of the basic logic chains and taking into account the positive and negative (or confirming and refuted rejects) judgments. The result of this detailed treatment of steel long thirds of all existing ideas about Russia. For a theoretical basis researches were accepted U. Lippmann’s views, according to which stereotype has 3 main properties – stiffness, stability and emotionality. Three stereotypes were allocated perceptions of Russia in the West European press:

1.  In Russia there is the authoritative system based on charismatic leadership of Vladimir Putin.  Popular belief, that Putin is the authoritative leader, controlling the power even on a post of the prime minister.  In Russia there is no democratic opposition, freedom of speech, elections are rigged, and the ruling elite are closed and far from the people, corruption level is extremely high.

2.  Russia seeks to emphasize continuity of the Soviet ideology that is shown both in policy and in public moods. Multiple analogies between Russia and the USSR are drawn.  In particular, closeness, authoritativeness of the Russian State, lack of freedom of speech is considered as disturbing signals.   3.  Russia wishes to restore force influence in territories of the former USSR.

Negative estimates prevail Russian foreign policy as “artful”, “cruel”.  Russia is considered as the political aggressor obsessed with that on the international scene to get “weight” of the USSR. As showed research, stereotypes about Russia in the West Europe to the periodical press have negative character, their basis exist still “phantom” representations of times of “cold war”. Countries’ images aren’t defined entirely by stereotypes but needs improvement. By Dolan (2012) Culture refers to the set of values and commonly held beliefs that determine which behaviors are acceptable and expected for a given group. Countries, religious and ethnic groups, and organizations all have cultures. To illustrate the impact of culture on behavior, in cultures where punctuality and order are highly valued, people tend to exhibit behaviors that express these qualities. Although cultures influence broad patterns of behavior and personality, extreme differences can exist between individuals in the same culture. This is because culture is only one among many factors that influence personality development [1].

According to Nelson (1994) Social norms influence the relationship between attitudes and behavior. For instance, a new employee from another country may have a negative attitude about women in management. However, it is unlikely that he would translate this attitude into behavior, because in Canada the presence of women in management reflects a social norm [2].

  1. Dolan, S. Introduction to International Organizational Behavior. USA, 2012.
  2. Glefand, Erez, and Aycan. Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 2007.
  3. Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter, Edwin R. McDaniel. Communication between Cultures, Boston, USA, 2009.
  4. P. Sean Bramble. Culture Shock, Portland, Oregon, 2005.
  5. Richard D. Lewis. (2006). When Cultures Collide, London, 2006.
  6. Robert S. Wyer, Chi-yue Chiu, and Ying-yi Hing. Understanding culture.  New York, 2009.
  7. Volkov, V. The Theory of Practices, 2008.
  8. Nelson, D. Organizational Behavior: Foundations, realities and challenges. St. Paul, MN: West, 1994.

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