Articles by keyword «corruption»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Khairutdinova L.R. Идеологические взгляды и социальные реалии: измерение общественного доверия к органам власти

№ 2 February 2015

Almaeva (.Y.O. Коррупция в сфере трудовых отношений как проблема современного российского общества и государства

№ 3 March 2015

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Yamilov R.M. Economy of nepotism: the relationship of nepotism in the economy

August, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kurmaiev P.Y. Theoretical and practical approaches to the assessment of the corruption level

October, 2013

Andrievskaya V.B. Ways of increasing governance effectiveness in Russia as factor of its global competitiveness

December, 2013

Demidova M.V. Recursive symbolic capital management model as a corruption prevention method in socioeconomic systems: philosophical and legal aspects

August, 2015

Proshkina O.N., Korneva M.A. Problems of small business in Russia

September, 2015

Petrov V.E. Forecasting the degree of sustainability of anti-corruption behavior of employees of the state traffic Inspectorate on the basis of the California psychological questionnaire

February, 2016

Khamitova A.K. Anti-corruption culture of medical employees, foreign countries’ experience

May, 2016

Khairutdinova L.R. Anticorruption crowdsourcing as social feedback mechanism on a "society-state-society" in the fight against corruption

August, 2016

Kashurnikov S.N., Solovkina E.D. Correlation analysis of the level of corruption perception with different socio-economic indicators

October, 2016

Chetvergov V.I. Prosecution supervision for the execution of the legislation on the corruption of corruption in the state and municipal organs

April, 2017

Gazieva A.Z. Actual problems of government administration. The problem of corruption

April, 2018

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Krasnyk V.S. Corruption among state and municipal employees - moral choice of individual's viewpoint

May, 2014

Borisenko K.A. Сounteraction of corruption in the Penal System: issues of prevention

October, 2015

Proshkina O.N., Korneva M.A. Corruption trap

February, 2016

Taranova V.S. Public control as a tool against corruption

June, 2016

Tokmjanina S.V. Anti-corruption moral precepts and prohibitions: specificity of understanding “should” and actual practice preferences

August, 2016

Gracheva N.L. Corruption as a direct threat to the economic security of the state

September, 2016

Voevodin V.N. Global cooperation in the fight against corruption

September, 2016

Meshcheryakov D.V. The emergence and development of corruption

October, 2016

Ovchinnikov D.V. Corruption is a phenomenon positive or negative

October, 2016