Articles by keyword «внушение»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Skripkar M.V. Формирование теоретических основ манипуляции сознанием: XVI – н. XX вв.

№ 4 April 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Galyatkina E.N., Shigabetdinova G.M. Self-hypnosis as a mechanism to increase the likelihood of the events predicted in the daily horoscopes

December, 2015

Воздействие рекламы на человека

May, 2017

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Skripkar M.V. Theory and practice of the hidden impact on the public consciousness in the 20th century

April, 2014

Muromova Y.V. The impact of horror films on the human psyche

May, 2014

Skripkar M.V. The evolution of views on the problem of consciousness manipulation since the 4th century BC to the middle Ages

May, 2014

Baryshev V.V. The study of attention and suggestibility of the individual in the framework of the problem of the child's ability to be self-sufficient security

February, 2016

Rysev N.Y. Psychological research of the preferences in the choice of the methods of the influence in negotiations among sales managers

September, 2016