Articles in «English»

Khaburzaniya D. Very important position of the Central Asian Region as the crossroad of the world’s three great superpowers` grand geostrategical goals

№ 10 October 2012

Timofeyeva T.V. Legal protection of trademarks in Russia

№ 5 May 2013

Ermolina M.A. Legal aspects of Russia's national strategy in terms of preventing marine pollution

№ 6 June 2013

Filatova A.A. Педофилия: преступление и наказание

№ 1 January 2014

Ermolina M.A. Sustainable development concept in terms of law and contemporary global politics

№ 2 February 2014

Protasov A.V. The right to vote not for everyone: some shortcomings of the United States electoral system

№ 6 June 2014

Borisenko O., Zhu X. The convergence of system in russian education modernization

№ 12 December 2014

Borisenko O.A., Zhang Y. Features of cooperation between Russia and China in the field of joint educational programs

№ 1 January 2015

Ermolina M.A. Russia’s participation in international co-operation in the field of environmental control in terms of eurasian economic integration

№ 3 March 2015

Drobot E.V., Ivko E.S., Veremeeva A.A. The World Trade Organization: aims, principles and activities

№ 4 April 2015

Borisenko O., Cui H. On the development Strategy of Sino-Russian Cooperation in Higher Education

№ 2 February 2016

Mazurkina A.Y. Image of Russia abroad

№ 2 February 2016

Semina V.V. International Organization for Migration as a Participant of Migrants’ Integration

№ 2 February 2016