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UDC 331.55
Vishnevskaya Nina Gennadievna1, Khatmullina Alia Fayzievna2
1Bashkir State University, PhD, Associate Professor of «Sociology of Work and Business Economy»
2Bashkir State University, 5th year student of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business
1Bashkir State University, PhD, Associate Professor of «Sociology of Work and Business Economy»
2Bashkir State University, 5th year student of the Institute of Economics, Finance and Business
This paper focuses on migration policy in the Russian Federation. Important place in the state migration policy is the problem of employment of immigrants and migrants, as the state is interested in additional labor, but when there are any gaps in employment of migrants, there are a variety of negative consequences for society. Therefore the problem is one of the most important.
Keywords: migrants, migration policy, security, skilled labor, social programs
Article reference:
Vishnevskaya N.G., Khatmullina A.F. Migration policy in Russia // Politics, State and Law. 2013. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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