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UDC 347.471.01
Valitov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich1, Viltsan Maksim Aleksandrovich2, Tomilov Igor Sergeyevich3
1Tobolsk comprehensive research station RAS, candidate of historical Sciences, researcher laboratory history of development of Siberia
2Tyumen state university, branch in Tobolsk, senior lecturer, department of pedagogy and social education
3Tobolsk comprehensive research station RAS, laboratory technician history of development of Siberia
1Tobolsk comprehensive research station RAS, candidate of historical Sciences, researcher laboratory history of development of Siberia
2Tyumen state university, branch in Tobolsk, senior lecturer, department of pedagogy and social education
3Tobolsk comprehensive research station RAS, laboratory technician history of development of Siberia
The article discusses the process of formation of Russian civil society in the late imperial period. The main stages in the development of civil society and identified factors that influenced this process. Civil society in the Russian pre-revolutionary period in its infancy.
Keywords: civil society, genesis, private property, the modernization., the Russian Empire
Article reference:
Valitov A.A., Viltsan M.A., Tomilov I.S. Basic stages of development civil society in Russia // Politics, State and Law. 2014. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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