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UDC 321.8
Drobot Elena Valerievna1, Kutuzova Angelina Olegovna2
1Vyborg branch of RANEPA, Head of the customs and foreign economic activity department, PhD in economics, assistant professor
2Vyborg branch of RANEPA, student, 4th grade, Customs speciality
1Vyborg branch of RANEPA, Head of the customs and foreign economic activity department, PhD in economics, assistant professor
2Vyborg branch of RANEPA, student, 4th grade, Customs speciality
Current world processes, characterising world building crisis, are given in the article. The authors give their view on possible negative perspective for Russian economy. In the conclusion we can see authors' version of "multipolar world".
Keywords: BRICS, economic crisis, multipolar world, Unipolar world
Article reference:
Drobot E.V., Kutuzova A.O. Unipolar and multipolar world: future world building // Politics, State and Law. 2015. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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