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UDC 316.613
Stavropolsky Yuliy Vladimirovich
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Ph. D. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the General & Social Psychology Department
Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky
Ph. D. (Sociology), Associate Professor of the General & Social Psychology Department
Before the WWII a number of sociologists in Japan was too few and improper to cover the entire range of the sociological topics. Some issues were emphasized, others were touched by skating over them, others disappeared from the sociological investigation. From the early Showa age (1926 – 1989), the rural sociology occupied the dominating position by creating an image of sociology as a research of the rural settlements, family, and the kin relationships. At the pre-war period the empirical studies almost completely confined to the rural sociology. There had been made no research either in the field of business, or in the field of labour. After the WWII was over a number of sociologists increased, the former misbalance of issues got right. Scholars from all branches of sociology except rural sociology and family sociology had no their own tradition in the Japanese sociology, which would how them the way for their further development, therefore they significantly depended upon the foreign sociology, primarily upon the American one.
Keywords: Japanese, relationship, research, reversal, rural, sociology, theory
Article reference:
Stavropolsky Y.V. Research of social mobility in post-war Japan // Politics, State and Law. 2015. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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