UDC 343.372


Filimonova Irina Vladimirovna1, Adzhieva Mariyam Halisovna2
1Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) of North-Caucasian Federal University in Pyatigorsk, candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor of criminal law and process
2Institute of service, tourism and design (branch) of North-Caucasian Federal University in Pyatigorsk, graduate student

Currently, there are many theoretical and practical problems associated with the interpretation of article 185.3 of the Criminal code of Russian Federation («Market manipulation») and the criminal prosecution under this article. The code does not give a legal definition of «market manipulation» and does not establish clear criteria for the qualification of market manipulation as a crime. Certain complexity to the law enforcement authority is the need to appeal to a special law devoted to countering illegal use of insider information and market manipulation. The article discusses the aspects of interpretation of the term «manipulation», the article analyzes the international experience, the author proposes the definition of «market manipulation».

Article reference:
Filimonova I.V., Adzhieva M.H. The problem of the definition of «Market manipulation» // Politics, State and Law. 2015. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://politika.snauka.ru/en/2015/06/3152

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