UDC 94(470)571.12


Tomilov Igor Sergeevich
Tobolsk integrated research station RAS
lab worker Laboratory history of the development of Siberia

The article is devoted to the review of the foreign historiography on the question of the definition of "city" in the scientific literature. Thanks to the many combination of different factors and characteristic differences of the historical eras, it is impossible to identify the absolute traits of any urban settlement. The paper also attempts to identify the most common features, typical of the city, and analyzed some of the difficulties that before the scientist in the identification of the presented object of study.

Keywords: city, concept, criterion, development, factor, formation

Article reference:
Tomilov I.S. The definition of "city" in foreign historiography // Politics, State and Law. 2016. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://politika.snauka.ru/en/2016/04/3887

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