Author: Кучинов Артемий Михайлович

Articles of the author in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Kuchinov A.M. Проблема соблюдения информационного законодательства в российских архивах и библиотеках (доклад на конференции в НИУ ВШЭ 11-12.02.2013 г.)

№ 7 July 2013

Articles of the author in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kuchinov A.M. Historical memory and the public thought about local events in the village Tikhonovo Gus Crystal Vladimir region associated with the Orthodox church

March, 2012

Kuchinov A.M. Social ideals in the village Tikhonovo Gus Crystal district of Vladimir region. in the 1980s.: based on local myths about the founding of villages

April, 2012

Kuchinov A.M. Communication problem of politics and culture in the history of political thought of the XIX century

May, 2012

Kuchinov A.M. Problem of the relationship of politics and culture in the history of the world political thought of the XX century

June, 2012

Kuchinov A.M. Modern structure-agency theories and Russian sociology

April, 2015

Монументальная живопись храма Воскресения Христова в д. Тихоново Гусь-Хрустального района Владимирской области

July, 2021

Живопись храма Воскресения Христова в Тихоново и Палех: История, искусство, философия

May, 2022