Articles by keyword «алкоголь»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Suponina E.A. О проблемах оптимизации антиалкогольного законодательства в России

№ 2 February 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Bogatyreva N.L. To the question of medical prevention of addictive behavior among employees of internal affairs bodies

March, 2015

Efremenko E.S., Moroz D.I., Moroz N.A. Analysis of the effect of L-carnitine on the parameters of lipid metabolism in the formation reaction of ethanol withdrawal

October, 2016

Efremenko E.S., Titov D.S., Nikonov D.A., Chigrinski E.A. The content of uric acid in the blood during the development of alcohol withdrawal: a new look at the integral test of disturbed metabolism

October, 2016

Zhukova O.Y., Didenko K.N. The increase of the reduced form glutathione in the liver tissue as a possible factor ethanol toxicity

October, 2016

Efremenko E.S., Titov D.S., Nikonov D.A. Serum uric acid level under the conditions of the alcohol abstinence modeling using the hydroxypyridine derivative

March, 2017

Влияние алкоголя на мозг и нервную систему человека

November, 2017

Алкоголь как допинг в спорте

December, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Stavropolsky Y.V. Federal intervention into the regulation of drugs' circulation in the United States

March, 2017

Stavropolsky Y.V. The progressive movement and the struggle for sobriety in the United States

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Мифы и заблуждения о работе головного мозга

November, 2017