Articles by keyword «defense»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Zegleev E.A. Киевский гренадерский полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг

№ 7 July 2015

Zegleev E.A. Московский гренадерский полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг

№ 8 August 2015

Цеглеев Э.А. Таврический гренадерский полк в Отечественной войне 1812 г. и Освободительном походе 1813-1814 гг.

№ 9 September 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Smogunov V.V., Kuznetsov N.S., Vdovikina O.A., Jurkov N.K., Shorin V.A. The concept of protection of electronics against electromagnetic attacks "Russian matryoshka"

June, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Grenadier regiment of count Arakcheev in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Life grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Saint-Petersburg grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Russian grenadiers in the battle of Borodino

March, 2016

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Zegleev E.A. Ekaterinoslav grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Malorossiya grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Siberia grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015

Polivoda O.A., Shuldeshov L.S. History of development and prospects of tank

January, 2017

Zakharov M.V., Vnuchkov A.Y., Kiveljuk I.I. Modern technologies in military-industrial complex of Russia

January, 2017

Zegleev E.A. Russian Grenadiers in the Napoleonic wars in 1805-1807 years

February, 2017

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Zegleev E.A. Astrakhan grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

July, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Paul's grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

August, 2015

Zegleev E.A. Fanagoria grenadier regiment in Patriotic war 1812 and Liberation campaign 1813-1814

September, 2015