Articles by keyword «конкуренция»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Naumkina T.V., Metlinova M.A. Возможные варианты негативных последствий для развития малого бизнеса в результате введения торгового сбора

№ 11 November 2015

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Kolesov P.F. Economic nature of banking competition

November, 2012

Современные направления в исследовании конкурентной среды

February, 2013

Bondarenko A.Y. Anti-monopoly law in Russia, USA and European countries

May, 2013

Gurianov P.A. Increasing the efficiency of the furniture industry in the Russian Federation

November, 2013

Nuriakhmetova A.F. Guest Houses as a model of small businesses in the tourism industry

January, 2014

Polshkov R.D. Development of strategy and competitive benefits on the example of online store

March, 2014

Pestereva A.V. Strategies of leadership in Russian companies

March, 2014

Astashova J.V., Grigoryeva E.V. Marketing analysis of structure of a construction industry

April, 2014

Demchenko A.I., Bulycheva E.A. Strategic research of integration processes on the example of the market of services of cellular communication

July, 2014

Gurianov P.A. Development of measures to improve the efficiency of industrial organizations in Russia (for example, the furniture industry)

October, 2014

Korneva M.A., Proshkina O.N. Competitiveness in market relationship in the developing Russian economy

February, 2015

Lymareva O.A., Topolyan E.L. Development of competitive advantages in the economic crisis

April, 2015

Lysenko O.A., Limareva O.A. Risk management as an element of improving expierences competitive strategy

June, 2015

Vokhmianin I.A. The competitive environment in the economy - domestic and foreign approaches to the formation

June, 2015

Popovich A.A. Strategy of transition from franchise to independent business

November, 2015

Antasyuk V.I. Characteristics of the demand and the supply on the Russian mobile apps market

February, 2016

Lyaskovskaya D.A., Okorokova O.A. Reinsurance from abroad

February, 2016

Musostova D.S. Infrastructure provision for recreational zones in Russia

March, 2016

Kirilchenko A.A. The marketing component of the optimization of the competitive strategy of the firm

June, 2016

Sheven L.N. Logistics solutions to improve competitive strategies of enterprises

December, 2016

Vorotnikova E.P., Kulikova V.V. Improve product quality as a factor in competition

December, 2016

Bochka A.V. The prospects of the domestic agricultural industry in global competition

December, 2016

Konushanets X.S. Structure of the organization and role of the leader

January, 2017

Dubovskikh A.A. Analysis of the degree of monopolization of the Russian banking sector

February, 2017

Usanin V.P. The nature of a business cycle and the facts of its display

April, 2017

Тенденции развития предприятий легкой промышленности в рамках технологической платформы

October, 2017

Влияние теневой экономики на развитие малого предпринимательства в России

May, 2018

Использование технологии блокчейн к выполнению Федеральной антимонопольной службой функции государственного управления по даче разъяснений по вопросам применения федеральным антимонопольным органом антимонопольного законодательства Российской Федерации

June, 2018

Современные подходы к управлению конкурентоспособностью предприятия

February, 2019

Инновации как стимулятор экономического роста

May, 2019

К вопросу о конкурентоспособности бюджетных организаций в сфере здравоохранения

February, 2023

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Конкуренция на рынке образовательных услуг

March, 2012

Oripov D. Marketing strategy as a factor in the development of small enterprises

June, 2012

Omelyanenko V.A. Evolution of international component of national space programs analysis

November, 2013

Sokolova O.Y. Problems of realization of innovative activity among the students of higher school

March, 2014

Dmitrieva T.N., Esaf'ev N.J. Marketing aspects of development strategy car dealership

June, 2014

Esafev N.J., Dmitrieva T.N., Gorbunov V.N., Kot M.V. Features of the development and implementation of CRM-systems dealers

October, 2014

Sazhina V.S. The impact of the banks M&A processes on the competition in the Russian banking sector

October, 2014

Kalyagina O.S., Gorbunov V.N., Dmitrieva T.N., Bolshakova S.M. Benchmarking as tool to increase efficiency the site of the construction company

October, 2014

Solovjeva M.V. Influence factors market environment changes on the organizational structure of the building enterprises

November, 2014

Smirnov V.P., Ganja X.A., Guremina N.V., Zolotov B.A. Accounting features of the environment in the process of developing a strategy of commercial bank

November, 2014

Gurianov P.A. Modernization of economic development of subjects of the Russia

November, 2014

Sagiryan R.E. Competitive goods under globalization

December, 2014

Saprykina A.P. Characteristics of consumers's loyalty towards particular trade brand of goods

March, 2015

Kankia A.G. Business development in the global financial crisis

April, 2015

Kanunnikova R.N. Customer loyalty as a success factor of business

May, 2015

Shevchenko V.V. Strategy of development of the network of public catering

June, 2015

Lysenko O.A., Geleta I.V. Problems and ways to reduce the risks in the enterprise

June, 2015

Sagiryan R.E. Open economy and competitive

September, 2015

Karpov A.A. Stagflation in the modern Russian economy

September, 2015

Maliko K.S. The role of service in the quality of services

October, 2015

Sergienko E.S., Kovaleva I.V. The essence of the positioning process and its implementation in today's market

November, 2015

Donets V.D., Sergienko E.S. Study of the practice of competitive struggle: the experience of large companies

December, 2015

Spetsian L.M. Innovations and perspectives preuniversity education

March, 2016

Kalyagina O.S., Penkov D.A., Gorbunov V.N. Experience in the development of the offer of services to stimulate sales of construction company

March, 2016

Maslov A.A. Competitive potential. A new category of competition

April, 2016

Shcherbinina M.Y., Stefanova N.A. Competition as a driver of economic growth

June, 2016

Israilova Z.R., Atamazova A.A. Economic nature of unemployment

July, 2016

Aleynikova A.I., Geleta I.V. Ways to improve the competitiveness of enterprises

November, 2016

Domnina A.I., Potapova E.A., Lebedeva T.E., Bulganina S.V. Benchmarking as a new direction of modern management

December, 2016

Kalashnikov A.V. The competition of world brands of fast food in the regional markets (on the example of the city of Rostov-on-Don and KFC and McDonald's restaurants)

February, 2017

Vinokurova V.A. Development trends of the Russian food retail: challenges and strategic choices of business models

February, 2017

Korolev A.A. Unemployment in Russia and methods of struggle with it

April, 2017

Akstinayte A.Y., Mukomel M.V. Background of the development of competition on the motor fuel market

April, 2017

Saltykova E.A. Formation of stable competitive advantages in a credit institution

April, 2017

Анализ развития потребительского кредитования в России на современном этапе

June, 2017

Микроэкономический анализ рынка гостиничных услуг в Екатеринбурге

June, 2017

Перспективы становления и развития конкурентного права в системе современной науки и образования

August, 2017

Проблемы осуществления государственного контроля рынка рекламы в Российской Федерации

November, 2017

Рекомендации по совершенствованию нормативно-правовой базы государственного контроля за соблюдением законодательства о рекламе и недобросовестной конкуренции

June, 2018

Исследование и оценка конкурентоспособности транспортных компаний в Российской Федерации

March, 2019

Анализ положения дел в отрасли кофейных напитков в Автозаводском районе города Нижний Новгород

April, 2019

Роль рекламы в современной экономике

December, 2019

Маркетинговое исследование рынка доставки еды

June, 2020

Основные свойства и причины образования картельных соглашений

December, 2020

Реализация стратегического проекта по повышению позиций технического университета в мировых рейтингах

June, 2021

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Gurianov P.A. Strategy of economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation

April, 2014

Mukhametlatypov F.U., Gindullina G.I. Job satisfaction and its impact on employee turnover

May, 2014

Dmitrieva T.N., Savelieva S.V. Promotion of products and services as an element of marketing communications construction company

June, 2014

Antasyuk V.I., Karpets O.V. Struggle with the global challenges as a factor to attract customers and the way to win in the competition on the example of Apple and Samsung

January, 2015

Karpushin Y.S. Globalization of economy as process of strengthening of a division of labor and economic development of the countries

April, 2015

Mullabaev R.Y. Porter five forces analysis

April, 2015

Vsyakih U.V., Vyrodova C.E. Ways to improve the competitiveness of enterprises

November, 2016

Batjuk N.O. Development of aircraft construction as branches of a national economy

January, 2017

Petushkova M.A. The administrative account at the enterprise

April, 2017

К вопросу внедрения контроллинга оборотных средств на предприятии общественного питания

November, 2017

Стратегия как способ организационного развития предприятия

January, 2021