Articles by keyword «poles»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Sulimov V.S. Политика государства в отношении обучения поляков-беженцев в Западной Сибири в годы Первой мировой войны

№ 7 July 2014

Dementieva E.C., Kolotov E.V., Sulimov V.S. Ссылка ксендзов в Тобольскую губернию после волнений 1861 года в Польше

№ 8 August 2014

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Silvanovich S.A. Poles in Lithuania and Belarus from ancient times to the middle of the XIX century

May, 2014

Silvanovich S.A. Poles in Lithuania and Belarus in the second half of XIX - early XX century

July, 2014

Silvanovich S.A. Polish national movement in Belarus and Lithuania during the restoration of the Polish state

August, 2014

Silvanovich S.A. The Polish population north-eastern (zapadnobelorusskih) lands II Rzeczpospolita in the interwar period

November, 2014

Silvanovich S.A. On the question of the ethnic composition of the Bialystok region in 1939 – 1941, BSSR

January, 2015