Articles by keyword «рабочие места»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Pleskach T.I., Strekalova S.A. Проблемы безработицы в Российской Федерации

№ 5 May 2015

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Popova M.S. Econometric model of dependence of labor force on the number of companies

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Voyachek O.S., Golovushkina M.V. The place of Russia in the modern tourist market

March, 2014

Bogdanov S.L., Elfimov D.B. Automated planing system of office work places taking into account psychophysiological characteristics of the employees.

November, 2015

Polyakova T.V., Golodyaeva V.E., Karnauhova X.I., Safiullova A.R. The impact of small businesses on the regional economy

September, 2016