Articles by keyword «Золотая Орда»

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Gumelev V.Y., Postnikov A.A. Монголо-татарское иго на Руси: про право и бесправие

№ 2 February 2013

Gumelev V.Y., Postnikov A.A. Ушкуйничество: русский ответ на ордынские набеги

№ 2 February 2013

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Gumelev V.Y., Parhomenko A.V. Ushkuyniki: weapons and features of conducting amphibious operations

February, 2013

Gumelev V.Y. Russian landing operations against the Golden Horde (from 1380 to its collapse)

June, 2013

Andrievsky D.V. On the question of the composition of currency in Western Siberia during the period of the Golden Horde

December, 2016

Choref M.M. To the history of Shadi Beg: on the basis of numismatic data

February, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Abramkina M.A. The work program at the rate of extra-curricular activities in the 6th grade «Russia and the Golden Horde»

September, 2013