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UDC 343.852
Sorokin Mikhail Vladimirovich1, Sorokina Olga Evgenievna2
1Vladimir law institute of the FPS of Russia, senior lecturer of the chair of regime and supervision
2Vladimir state university, assistant of the chair theory and history of state and law
1Vladimir law institute of the FPS of Russia, senior lecturer of the chair of regime and supervision
2Vladimir state university, assistant of the chair theory and history of state and law
On the basis of analysis of the norms of international law and the recommendations of the European Committee for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment considered the order and conditions of use closed systems of video surveillance in prisons in order to ensure safety and prevent crime.
Article reference:
Sorokin M.V., Sorokina O.E. Closed circuit television surveillance system, prison security // Politics, State and Law. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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